Can you be 100% cured from depression with TMS Treatments?

Can you be 100% cured from depression with TMS Treatments?

Depression is a serious disease that affects millions of people. It’s hard to treat, but there are some good solutions out there. TMS is one of those solutions and it works well for many people who suffer from depression. Whether you are suffering from chronic depression or just having an episode, TMS should be considered as part of your treatment plan.

TMS is a good treatment for depression

The short answer is yes. TMS is a safe and effective treatment for depression, which can be safely used to treat patients with a wide range of mental illnesses.
TMS is non-invasive, meaning it does not require surgery or the implantation of any chemicals in your head (like electroconvulsive therapy). Instead, it uses magnetic energy to stimulate nerve cells in your brain by targeting certain areas with high frequency pulses. It’s like using your own natural healing powers to fight off whatever’s causing you to feel down!
In fact, TMS has been used as an effective method of depression treatment for over 20 years now—and research shows that it can help 80% of people with major depressive disorder get their symptoms under control after just three weeks on average!

Depression is hard to treat

Depression is a complex condition, and it can be hard to treat because it’s not just a physical problem and it’s not just a chemical problem. It’s both, which makes depression difficult to diagnose.
TMS Treatments have been shown to increase the release of serotonin from nerve cells in the brain by activating neurons that use dopamine as their neurotransmitter. This leads to an increase in serotonin production, and thus decrease in depression symptoms over time.

We do better with a drug-free approach to depression

The good news is that you can be cured from depression without drugs.

In fact, TMS is a drug-free treatment. It’s non-invasive and has no side effects—and because it doesn’t have any long term side effects, it’s also safe.

TMS targets depression at its source in the brain

The good news is that with TMS, you’re not only treating the symptoms of your depression; you’re fixing it at its source. TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the brain’s frontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for high level cognitive functions like problem solving, planning and decision making. An imbalance in this area can cause depression by interfering with mood regulation.
By targeting these malfunctioning nerve cells in conjunction with medication and psychotherapy, patients can be cured of their depression entirely—and many people have been able to achieve remission after undergoing just one round of treatment! To learn more about how TMS works or schedule an appointment for yourself or someone you care about today, call us at (405) 759-2222

TMS effectively treats any type of depression

Depression is a serious mental illness. It can be difficult to treat, and there are many different types of depression. For example, some people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) where they feel sad during the winter due to decreased sunlight. Some people experience bipolar disorder in which their moods swing between depression and mania. And some people have an inability to regulate their emotions or feelings of anxiety that interfere with day-to-day functioning. TMS effectively treats any type of depression—including those previously thought untreatable by conventional methods like pharmaceutical drugs or psychotherapy alone—by targeting the root cause of your specific type of this condition: your brain!

TMS has a high rate of success and a low rate of side effects

You might be wondering, “What exactly is TMS?” The acronym stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation and it’s a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the brain. It’s similar in principle to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which also delivers magnetic pulses to your brain but is significantly more invasive and can have longer-lasting side effects.

TMS has a high success rate—about 80 percent of patients report improvement after just three months of treatment. As an added bonus, there are few side effects associated with TMS treatments: no memory loss or nausea like there can be with ECT; just some scalp discomfort from having electrodes attached during treatment sessions.

In short: TMS may not be quite as effective as medication when it comes to treating depression symptoms, but it doesn’t have any of the downsides that come with taking pills every day or even every week!

Staying on antidepressants isn’t the best long-term solution to depression

Can you be 100% cured from depression with TMS Treatments? Maybe not, but it’s a damn good start. Depression is a chronic illness, and if you’re taking antidepressants to manage it there is still a chance that you could get depressed again. Antidepressants are not addictive, but they don’t work for everyone and can have some pretty serious side effects. That being said, they are still the best long-term solution we have right now to help people manage their depression symptoms and prevent future episodes of major clinical depression (which is really bad news).

If you want to avoid going on antidepressants or having an episode of major clinical depression in the future, there are other things that might help too: exercise regularly; eat healthy foods (especially fish); do activities that make you happy!

A regular TMS schedule can help keep the depression away
long term

I’m not saying that TMS is a cure for depression. It’s not. But maybe you’re looking for a more permanent solution for your mental health issues, and this could be it. I’ve been using TMS for years now, and I’m still here to tell the tale. It’s a long-term treatment—an investment in yourself —but it’s worth it if you’re tired of feeling like your life is on hold because of your depression.

If you’re ready to try out some kinder and gentler treatments, we can get started right away! Just schedule an appointment with me online or call (555) 555-5555 today!

TMS doesn’t cure all forms of depression, but it is an effective treatment that has no lasting side effects.

  • TMS is an effective treatment for many patients
  • TMS targets the source of depression at the brain, rather than just treating symptoms.
  • Depression is often treated with medications that have side effects and may not be effective in all patients.

As you can see, there are two sides to this debate: some people say that TMS can cure depression entirely, while others argue that it’s just another medication-free treatment that doesn’t work for everyone. We’re going to look at these claims in more detail below by taking a closer look at what exactly “depression” means and how it affects our lives with each passing day.

Now that you know the truth about TMS, we hope it’s clear that this is an effective treatment option. While it can’t cure all forms of depression, it is an effective treatment and has no lasting side effects. If you think TMS might be right for your situation and want to learn more about how it could help improve your quality of life, contact us today!


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates nerves in the brain with magnetic pulses[1]. It is an intensive treatment option requiring sessions five days a week for several weeks[2], with each session lasting between 20 to 50 minutes. The average cost of TMS therapy is between $400 and $500 per session, making it considerably cheaper than electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)[3]. Up to 80% of people who seek treatment for their depression will see a reduction in symptoms[4], and TMS may also have benefit for disorders like OCD, anxiety, and PTSD[5].

1. TMS treatment for depression: What to know – Medical News Today

Summary. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive treatment that stimulates nerves in the brain with magnetic pulses. If a person has treatment-resistant depression, a doctor may …

2. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): Hope for stubborn depression

TMS therapy is an intensive treatment option requiring sessions that occur five days a week for several weeks. Each session may last anywhere from 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the device and clinical protocol being used. When patients arrive, they may briefly check in with a technician or doctor and then begin the stimulation process.

3. TMS Therapy Treatment (Pros & Cons) – Addiction Group

TMS Therapy Cost. TMS therapy’s average cost is between $400 and $500 per session, with a total cost of around $15,000 for a full course of treatment. This is considerably less than the most comparable treatment, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which costs about $2,500 per treatment session and requires a full ten sessions.

4. Can Depression be Cured With Common Treatment Methods? | Pulse TMS

In addition, depression symptoms can also worsen physical conditions a person may have. Depression weakens immunity, can lead to cardiovascular problems, and even cognitive decline. Fortunately, up to 80% of people who seek treatment for their depression will see a reduction in depression symptoms.

5. TMS Therapy: What It Treats, Benefits, Side Effects, and Costs – Healthline

TMS targets the activity of nerve cells in your brain, which may alleviate depression symptoms. It could also have benefit for disorders like OCD, anxiety, and PTSD as well. The procedure may even …